The optimal brace for every case

Which brace is the right one for the right case? An appropriate corrective nail brace is chosen by the therapist according to the diagnosis.The podofix® active adhesive brace, made of plastic, is the correct one for thin nails and slightly in-grown toenails.

The 3TO® wire brace and the COMBIped® (combined wire & adhesive brace) are hooked underneath one side or both sides of the nail and therefore have a somewhat stronger effect. Nearly all nails, whether in-grown or severely involuted (curled), can be brought back into form with these braces. Special instruction is required for the 3TO-brace, whereas no course is necessary for the use of the other two braces.

The brace nail correction may only be applied by accomplished medically trained therapists, eg. specially trained therapists. These are usually chiropodists, podiatrists and doctors. Addresses of therapists close to you can be found under the heading "Practitioners Trained Nail Bracing".

Normally the nail braces are suitable for everyone with in-grown or rolled nails. Even babies and small children can be treated with special children’s braces. There are also nickel free steel 3TO and podofix active adhesive braces for those with nickel allergies.

Usually yes - the brace therapy has been accepted as a pain-free method of treatment for in-grown toenails - a great advantage for children and diabetics. There are no restrictions after the treatment, as there are with an operation.

One can hardly feel the placing of the brace, except perhaps contact with the skin when the surrounding tissue is inflamed. Anaesthesia is not necessary. Most patients feel relief after activation of the brace.

A nail brace will not hinder you. You can play sport as usual, whether in water or on land. We advise you to avoid sport only if the toe is highly inflamed and wait until it has healed. Those indulging in high-performance sports should consult their therapist beforehand.

The brace remains securely on the nail in water - whether in a pool, sauna or bathtub – but should not be in excess of 30 minutes and a bandaid applied for extra support.

Each case is different. The brace remains on the nail and grows out with it. Depending on the case it will be removed and reapplied at regular intervals over a period between 3 to 12  months. The brace does not interfere with daily life and all sporting and working activities can be continued.

The cost depends on the difficulty of the treatment and its duration. Sometimes the treatment is paid for by Medical Insurance.